5 Questions To Ask Your App Development Agency
Building a mobile application is not a static process any longer. It is a journey to enhance and expand your business.
It requires commitment form not just your agency but from you as well. App development will have many stages where you will have to sit with your agency and discuss. Sometimes they’ll give you suggestions and sometimes they’ll have to work on yours.
It is therefore very important to find an agency which is open to such communication. They agree with your views and you agree with theirs.
How do you find an agency that acknowledges how important it is for you to be part of the app development? Here are five questions that you may ask them before starting your journey.
Can I see your work portfolio?
The probable reason that you’ve come to your agency to develop your app is that you’ve seen their work. If not, asking to see a company’s portfolio is the most basic yet essential step. An agency’s app portfolio will give you insight into the kind of tech they use and how well they are with designing.
It’ll tell you their mindset and the problems they’re trying to solve. It’ll also help you understand what makes them different from their competitors.
Can I meet your team?
Getting to know your agency’s team does not mean you get familiar with the entire office. You can ask whether you can meet the members that’ll be working on your project. It is important that you know where all the members of your team are located. Are they in the same office/location or scattered. And also are you comfortable with this setup.
It is always better to know the person leading your project and how frequently will you be able to contact them.
How will you my security of data and intellectual property?
Your agency should be transparent when talking about data security. It should explain in detail the measures they’ll take to protect your data. Any vague answers about handling internal security is a red sign.
Focus on discussing topics like how do they ensure high-quality data? Or how do they ensure the security of codes? How do they use 3rd party libraries and how do they protect client materials?
Also, ask for a briefing on how the agency will help you in case your data gets stolen or misused.
How will we measure the analytics and manage the app?
Making an app is the beginning of building your business. It now needs nurturing to survive the market. After publishing the app, the agency needs to keep track of several parameters of analysis. What is the number of downloads? How is the user base reacting to it?
Ask your agency how will the measurement be set up. How will both the parties use the data for improvement?
How much money and time will it take to build the app?
A good agency will definitely give you a number. But will also explain to you the variable and dependable conditions.
How do you determine if you are being charged right?
You need to familiarize yourself with the tech-specs first.
For example, everyone knows that a native app requires more effort over mobile web apps. So if a company is charging you less for native they are overlooking essential aspects. Or if a company demands more time than justified, it might ask you more money.
But you need to be clear which type of app you need before your agency decides it for you.
The process can have an approximate time and budget put on it but actual numbers may vary. They are important but should not be the driving forces as they become somewhat relative.